
Archive for the ‘life’ Category

My favorite pictures again.
These CGs are drawn by Watashi-san, the casual sceneries of local streets
in the Kansai region(maybe) of Japan.
I feel something that seems familiar when I am watching these .
Row of houses, tiled roofs, old woman with overall apron walking alleyway. telephone poles and wires, low eaves. silhouettes at dark… the scenes any Japanese knows. I also like their quiet tones of color.





















all pictures from the following site.
Dejie no Fukei (デジ絵の風景)

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I live in a town of the suburbs of Tokyo.
There are Inokashira Park and the Studio Ghibli’s museum near my house.
to the west side of the town, International Christian University(ICU)and Nogawa Park are there.
more nature still remains around here than in the center of tokyo

I heard that before World War II,there are many wooden buildings with a flavor of Japanese own style everywhere in Japan.
But they had disappeared almost completely by fire during the war, and now the towns are full of boring , ticky-tacky houses . I’m a little sorry about it.
I just wanted to see what they would be like…

photos of my town.

our tiny yard, a shortage of land in tokyo!


neighbor's small farm


a row of houses neighboring



nearby the river Nogawa


the riverside


houses along Nogawa


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