
Archive for the ‘cat’ Category

Evolved cat?




He stands still like Doraemon(^^)

Maybe he would have forgotten the fact that he was a cat
when finding out sparrows or something outside the window.
My cat is also out of herself and goes with a strange
voice like “ke, ke, ke” everytime she finds out sparrows.
Anyway what a cute Doraemon!



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my pet’s accident

On a cold morning.she jumped across gas burner in the kitchen and this happened! But she didn’t seem to feel pain at all as it was just in a moment

anyway looks like budding, haha



poor Chibi XD




and what is more
bad-mannered old lady 😀




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My Pets’ photos of Memories

Long ago my cat Mie gave birth to 5 kittens. 2 white and 3 black & white.
Mie seemed to be really happy when she brought up her babies, breast-fed,
lapped up kittens’ butt holes for cleaning shit and pee with gusto and vivacity.
A great mother instinct!
By the way, I think cats are genius actors in expressing comfortable feelings.
So just looking at them makes me happy and relaxed at any time.




. .do nothing but sleep



. .Momo-chan(left) & Pi-chan(right).They used to be together all the time.



. .Hige-chan(left,with a big mustache) & Mon-chan(right, a little mustache ).
despite girls…





. . “Hey, What’s that!”

. . “Jesus!”






. . whisper


. . a nap time



. . “Mom, you angry?”


“Don’t be afraid of Mommy! Go!”




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I have a female cat , called Chibi. she has reached 18 years of age this March!
Her mother ,sisters ,and brother are long gone.
She looks somewhat dispirited in this heat.

Chibi and her family of the past
Chibi is on the right of her mother(the biggest one),
exposing her cute little butthole 😀

like angels..
The leftmost is Chibi, the white one is Pi-chan and the center is Mon-chan,
both were Chibi’s sisters.pi and Mon disappeared from us when they are
about 1-2years old
Perhaps they would be raised to the skies due to the cat’s enemy of the day
..a car.

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